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About Us

Perennial Mind centers on the concept that as individuals, teams, communities, and as organizations, we go through stages of dormancy and growth in our personal and professional lives.  We need not stress ourselves about dormancy.  It is natural, and at the same time, we will find ourselves in a growth stage again.  I want to be in a space where if people or companies feel dormant or stuck, I can support them into a future growth cycle.  It is really that simple and is the "ethos" we apply to everything we do: our personal health, our relationships, our career choices, our work, our community support, and more.  


Our company places a high value on our people, including our employees, our clients, and our community broadly speaking.  Work has to be more than just dollars.  We strive to deliver meaningful growth opportunities to our employees and give back a portion of our profits to our community to build those around us. 


Our offer is not rooted in a widget.  Not in a tech product.  Our offer is our people--thoughtful, knowledgeable, and creative.  We promise to apply our expertise and ethics in a way that you will find rewarding and inspiring. 


Fundamental Principles and Philosophy


  • Data is the great liberator from corporate myths

  • Every piece of data has a real person behind it.

  • Dormancy is natural but is not a constant.  Grow.

  • Carry and deliver opinions based on facts.

  • Be a nice person; it won't stop you from being effective. 

  • Everyone in an organization has a voice.

  • Success should be measured in more ways than money.

  • Add value first; revenue will come for the ride.



Inspire Growth.

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